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The values we defend

# 1 - clothing

Defend the clothing through its quality, but above all to do feel a emotion when we wear it.
He must first seduce by his exterior beauty .

# 2 - respect for the consumer

Reposition the consumer ur at the center of the system, paying particular attention to the quality of the finish, to the fabrics, but also to the transparency information in production with a price fixed and fair #noblackfriday

# 3 - eco-responsible production

Be a brand environmentally friendly taking into account the impact ecological and economic during the production of our clothes, with materials mainly natural , places of production in France , reduced transport, awareness zero waste And much more.

# 4 - the sustainability of French know-how

Produce in France to take into account Human impact during the manufacture of a garment; allow the transmission of know-how, remunerate in adequacy with the work provided, promote good conditions of work and so, support French activity

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